Basic Gameplay for Beginners in Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves has a very rich gameplay. Many newbies will inevitably fall into the decision of which one to play first when entering the game. Which gameplay in the game is more suitable for newcomers to get started.

In the world of Sea of Thieves, the function of any OutPost (yes, it is called OutPost on the built-in game map) is similar, that is, it provides various types of skin merchants, a tavern, people who issue tasks and some random materials. In boxes and barrels.

First of all, there are basically a few things that new players can do.

  •  Do quests.
  • Go to sea and play dungeons directly or get the Death Box.
  • Legendary main line

Let’s talk about the most basic tasks.

There are a total of 4 forces in the world of Sea of Thieves, which are merchants who issue tasks, and their locations are found in all major OutPosts. Although the locations may be different, they are generally similar. After accepting the mission, you still need to go to the mission table on the ship to publish and vote. If you are playing solo, you also need to vote. Otherwise, it will not start and the player will not be given a clue paper. If the player cannot find the clue paper, remember to press E, you can open it.


Business union

The main task is for you to find the goods and then take the goods to another OutPost. Women from this commercial union are usually found on the docks, and you can find them if you look for them. Her mission process is to give you a table with the supplies you need to find, such as animals or a bucket of supplies, and then take it to an OutPost within the specified time. It is very simple, and there are no combat or decryption elements. 

But there is one thing that is a bit annoying. For example, this task requires the player to bring 2 chickens or a bucket of fruit. Where do these things come from? This requires the player to go to the nearby island to find them. In fact, if the player does not know the map well enough, he may have to You can find it by wandering around a lot, but in the process of searching, players will encounter tasks such as drift bottle tasks, which will greatly expand and enrich the gameplay.

Gold Rush

The main task is to dig for treasure, also commonly known as treasure hunting mission. This businessman is usually in a tent near the entrance of OutPost Pier, and he is a wretched hunchbacked uncle. There are generally two situations for this mission: an X will be drawn on the island on the player's map, and the treasure will be at the X drawn on the island. So how to find this island? Generally speaking, you just need to compare the shape of the island, find the same island on the chart on the ship, and then dig it.

It's very simple, there is no decryption factor, it's just that sometimes you need to dig a few more shovels if you can't find X. There is also a pure text decryption, which is more difficult. You have to decrypt it step by step to reach the treasure chest based on the text written above. Generally speaking, it requires some thinking. The income of this guild seems to be the most objective among the three guilds. There's less fighting, but there's still some. Sometimes one shovel will produce 2 skulls.

Soul association

The main task is to fight. This woman usually lives in a small, mysterious and dark tent in OutPost. Her location is not fixed, sometimes on the first floor and sometimes on the second floor. The mission is very simple: kill the skeleton! 

These can be done by a single player and can be played by multiple players, so although it is a multiplayer game, it is not impossible for a single player to play it.

Bones of Death

This is a skull symbol on the entire chart, which is bright throughout the map. There is a sunken ship in this place, and there will be a Death's Treasure Box and some other belongings inside. When you get the Death's Treasure Chest, the skull symbol will be the Death's Treasure Chest. It will light up your ship all over the map. If you move it with it, all players in the entire game can see you, so your task is to bring this Death's Treasure Chest with you. Go to a place called Death's Hideout, sell it, and you'll be successful.

Skull island

There is also a copy of this game, which is a huge skull cloud where you can see. There is a Skull Island below, and there will be countless mobs in it. If you beat it and it stops refreshing, a key will drop, and then you can open the BOSS. Lots of rewards. But this cloud is also unique and can be seen by other players, so it is very easy to be intercepted by others in the middle of the game!

These basically make up the most basic game parts of Sea of Thieves. Of course, there are other gameplays such as the legendary main line, Athena, etc., but these are the most basic ones. You should not be confused after reading it.

In the end, the ghost ship, Cthulhu sea monster, and big shark all appear randomly. There is also a saying that the more treasures, the easier it is to appear. I wish everyone good luck!


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