The Best Option for Newer Players in Sea of Thieves

Skeleton Fleets. The big galleon-shaped skull in the middle of the sky. They're the most lucrative world event for how fast you can complete them and they have more benefits than every other world event in terms of gold and gameplay, notably:

  • The waves are set in three groups of two, with each ship dropping one or two supply crates which helps you progress through the event.
  • The final galleon drops the equivalent of 30,000 gold worth of loot alone without an emissary, mostly skeleton captains chests and skulls, making it already more profitable at base value than a skull fort or ashen winds. If you sink all six ships (and maybe even get lucky with a seventh random spawn or have all galleons) you will easily breach 70,000 gold without emissary.
  • The location is always the same, being the space around the rock formation just North/NorthWest of Reaper's hideout. This has two advantages being that it is relatively close to multiple outposts, including extremely close proximity to Reaper's Hideout; as well as a distinct location to look for making server hopping easier.
  • The world event is pure naval action which is incredibly good at teaching newer crews and their players communication, cooperation, cohesion, and efficiency in sailing their ship and keeping it afloat - all on top of giving a fine amount of loot as a reward. The better you get at sinking these ships which outnumber you, the better you get at reading other player's movements and reacting accordingly.
  • Skeleton Fleets help towards numerous commendations, most notably Legend of the Sea of Thieves and Hoarder of Barnacled Gold. These give some pretty nice rewards and can otherwise be easily forgotten about if not passively leveling them.
  • Skeleton Fleets are still widely avoided. It is a world event so you should always expect somebody to contest you, but most of the time people look for different world events to steal as they do not want to entangle with skeleton galleons as well as player ships.

Sea of Thieves

Generally the most efficient way to complete this activity is to hop aboard a brig or galleon with your crew until you find a fleet.Raise the Reaper's flag, or for newer crews who do not wish to paint a target on their backs, raise Gold Hoarders or Order of Souls as that is the most loot you will get per fleet. Sail straight to it, only purchasing a wood crate and cannonball crate (the latter is optional if you are very confident in your cannon skills). Complete the event, however the strategy you find easiest to sink those galleons, harpooning and marking every loot pile you find.

Loot from each ship is marked by a circle of birds around them. Good crews will try to turret with their boat and sink all the ships relatively close to each other, harpooning the loot and especially storage crates every time one sinks.

This will instantly get you to Grade 5 Reapers. Being that you are just minutes from the hideout (or Sanctuary Outpost for non-Reapers) sell instantly, bagging yourself a nice 110,00-140,000 gold. Experienced crew can feasibly chug out this whole process in under 20 minutes, whereas the less experienced crews should expect to run it in 30 or 40 minutes. Repeat with impunity. 

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